Monday, October 24, 2011

Vegan MoFo #20: Apple Granola & Baked Apple Pie

One of my scores from this weekend's adventure was a bag of Newton Pippin apples.  Newton Pippins are a tart green apple that are supposed to be great for baking.  I decided to try them in a batch of raw buckwheat granola and a baked apple pie. 

Apple Spice Granola

3 cups raw buckwheat groats, soaked overnight then rinsed well and drained
2 diced apples
1 cup shredded coconut
1 cup flax
2 cups date sauce *instructions to follow
1/4 cup molasses
1/4 cup maple syrup or agave
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 tablespoon pumpkin pie spice

Stir all ingredients together and spread on 2 teflex lined dehydrator trays.  Dehydrate for 3-4 hours then transfer off of the teflex sheets and directly onto the mesh trays.  Dehydrate for 24 hours or until crunchy.

* To make the date sauce soak medjool dates in just enough warm water to cover for an hour.  Blend the dates together with enough water to make it about the consistency of applesauce.

I like to use this granola for snacking, mostly.  But it's also good with some almond milk or raw coconut yogurt or cashew pudding.  And it makes the house smell sweet and delicious while it's drying.

Ok, now for the baked pie.  I used apple pie recipe from The Joy Of Vegan Baking by Colleen Patrick-Goudreau.  It's the ugliest most rustic looking pie I've ever made.  The crust literally crumbled as I was making it and I just patched it together.

 See... rustic.  Haha.  Anyways, it's delicious.  I'll have to work on the crust execution next time.  I really like the Pippins.  They have this old-fashioned tart taste like the apples that used to grow on our property when I was a kid and they held up well in the pie.  I'm looking forward to going back to the orchard for fresh picked apples.  They're the best!

Have a great Monday!


  1. That date sauce looks incredible! Mmm. I would smother some of that over the cooked pie.
    Hah, I'm also trying to imagine hauling home 20 lbs of apples just for the 89/lb deal! Oof. I love apples and apple pie but maybe that wouldn't be worth it.

  2. yay apples!!! That pie looks AMAZING!!! And I agree, the date sauce sounds super yummy!

  3. Rustic? That looks beautiful and delicious! Great job!

    I just made rawnola today! I'll have to make your next!

  4. I love your blog! So much raw goodness! So did you end up buying 20 lb or more of the apples? :) I am following you now!

  5. i miss the apple variety of the northwest. enjoy it!

  6. Ha! I think the pie looks beautiful, and I bet it tasted amazing.

  7. this kind of granola reminds me of my favourite one i used to buy in london. unfortunately i dont have a dehydrator so i am not able to make it myself. would it work in an oven too?
