Thursday, October 13, 2011

Vegan MoFo #13: My Favorite Green Juice

Good evening!  Today's post is being written from my couch, and I'm in my pajamas.  I had a very tired day, spent resting and recovering from my busy work week.  I'm still planning on posting every single day of MoFo so I decided to rely on a good old standard, my favorite green juice.   One reason I picked this is because it gives me a boost when my energy is low. 

The Green Standard:

5-6 leaves Italian kale
1 lemon, peeled
2 apples
1 inch nub of ginger

This can be made in a juicer or blended and strained.  I love the combo of green, sweet, sour, and spice.  Makes my taste buds happy.

Ok, I'm calling it a night :)


  1. Enjoy your rest, you deserve it! The juice sounds good...I guess it is time to add a juicer to the kitchen gadgets wish list ;)

  2. I love ginger in fresh juice, never thought of juicing kale!

  3. Looks so refreshing! I have a similar mug that I drink my juice in!
